Gem and Stu – Lindos Wedding Photography – Greece Wedding Photographer

So, Gem and Stu and Lindos, Greece, this wedding was a tiny bit special! Gem and Stu are amazingly good friends of ours, we go way back, my partner used to go to school with Gem and I’ve spent many an hour mulling over how to forage mushrooms with Stu!

Gem and Stu asked me to photograph their wedding last year, I have to be honest, at first I was a bit hesitant. Being the good mates that they are, I half wanted to just enjoy their day and half wanted to just kick back in the sun without the pressure of photographing a wedding in the 38 degree heat! However, I couldn’t bear to let anyone else photograph their wedding plus these guys have done so much in terms of promoting me that I just couldn’t stand back and not do their photography. It was a huge honour to have been asked and the brief doubts I had were soon replaced by excitement and a fair dose of nerves!

The wedding itself was a beautiful day, made all the more special by the hurdles Gem and Stu had to jump over just to get to Lindos. First of all Stu had a major health scare in the months running up to the wedding, it was touch and go until the last few days whether he’d even be able to travel to Lindos. Then on the morning of the wedding, Stu’s mum slipped and broke her leg! The Greek health service totally rocked it though and patched her up in time for the ceremony.

Gem and Stu got married at the beautiful St. Pauls Chapel and then headed into Lindos town for a mammoth 100000 course meal at the amazing Melenos Hotel and then a bit of dancing action at a local taverner. The weather was off course, beautiful! It was hot…very hot, like 38 degrees hot. It definitely provided a bit of a challenge on the photography front that’s for sure. Luckily I was out in Lindos a few days before the wedding so went on plenty of runs in the heat to get used to it…it definitely helped!

Anyways, enough of me nattering on, here’s Gem and Stu’s day! Enjoy!

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