Suzanne & Alex – Oxfordshire Wedding Photography

I get my wedding bookings from a variety of different sources, most through Google, some through venue referrals, and some through word of mouth, Suzanne though, was a tiny bit different. We knew each other as we used to be part of an internet forum for hippy types, bizarre!

Anyway, onto the big day itself. It all kicked off at St Peter’s Church, just outside Banbury, deepest Oxfordshire, the vicar wasn’t a massive fan of photography so ended up getting banished to the back of the church. Once the ceremonial proceedings were done with we all moved onto The Whately Hall Hotel in Banbury itself for more fun and frivolity. Suzanne and Alex hired a beautiful VW camper van for the day which in my book is amazing, old VW campers rock!

Below is a selection of images from the day, enjoy!

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